Jed Schneiderman

Working in mobile marketing space – helping brands/marketers connect on-line and off-line. A Marketing and Digital professional with a proven track record of growing revenue and generating profit, developing winning business and marketing strategies, and building great teams. Unique combination of CPG, Technology, Loyalty/CRM, Media and Software experience ideally suited for navigating new reality facing marketers. Strong digital experience across all digital platforms including web, broadband, mobile and video-on-demand. General management building businesses and running established businesses with strong planning and operational expertise and client-services experience. Strong marketing background with deep understanding of launch marketing, loyalty/retention marketing, email and permission marketing, search and social media marketing. Community Builder Who Likes to help others.

March 14, 2021

EP24 - How to stay Relevant on Marketing, Technology and Other Stuff with Jed Schneiderman

Jed Schneiderman is a proven entrepreneur, and executive in the marketing, media and technology space. When I think of Jed, I think of someone who is known for his thought leadership on topics ranging from marketing and tec…